Monday, 23 February 2009

Growing season has started

I would like to use my blog to record my garden/vegetable growing season this year. I have been growing my own veggies for 2 years now and I think I have finally got into the rhythym of sowing, planting and cropping with enough confidence to log it.

I started off with an allotment plot away from the house but - 1. It was too big for me to handle and 2. I found out what space I really needed to grow the plants I like and decided to make a bed dedicated to this at home, which I much prefer. I also use pots for growing salads in.

Today saw the onion sets going into the prepared bed. (I am trying to plant using the Moon Calendar with the aid of this site).

without the help of these!....................
they were happily scratching away in nextdoors field, blissfully unaware that I was gardening - thank goodness.

So the covers are on the onions, at least until the chickens have got a permanent enclosure to keep them off my garden for the summer.

The tomatoes are coming along in their improvised, insulated cold frame. (A plastic storage box lined with bubble wrap and a clear plastic lid).

Sweet peas, cabbages, hollyhocks, coriander and parsley are in another insulated box.

These are Dwarf French Bean seedlings popping up. There are 6 in there and hopefully I will be getting a little crop of beans in about 10 weeks. This idea was a suggestion by one of the regulars from this great gardening site.

I also have peas, peppers, rocket, parsnips, red and white salad onions started off along with chitted potatoes (earlies) and a selection of flowers that I want to grow for cutting in the Summer.

Let's hope we have just a little less rain than we did last year for this coming season. Fingers crossed!


Jane Ellis said...

Terrific idea for a "cold box" outdoors, I'll have to try that!
Ive got my tomato seedlings coming up in one of those plastic biodomes... working well, just hope they make it.

Question - what are you planning to use to stake/support your plants? I have tried everything, including metail cages, bamboo, etc. Found this new product and just ordered some --
Looks so easy, it must work well!

Thought Id share... happy gardening.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking and making a comment on my blog.

The reason I use the 'homemade' boxes is because I just love to use things to hand if I can. I would rather not dip my hands in my pocket for something if there is a less costly solution.
What do mean by 'stakes' and what are you planning to stake? I have always relied on good old trusty bamboo canes for most solutions.

angel said...

I am going to watch this with anticipation, i really want to grow my own veggies.
Keep us posted Honey.

Mwah X x X x X x X